Picking Up the Pieces

After my challenge last Tuesday, I didn’t feel too bad, apart from being a little tired I was fine and didn’t know what all the fuss was about. I went for a curry and a couple of pints that night with my good mate Danny West, who had come up from Nottingham to help out. The next morning again I felt ok and went to do a hard gym session (it seemed a good idea at the time), but after that it hit me and my body packed in, went on strike and stuck two fingers up at me.

Every part of me hurt, especially around my upper legs and lower back. I definately hadn’t got away with it like I thought I had. I felt like you feel after your first session back at the gym after a few weeks off. When I saw my chiropractor on the Friday to start putting me back together, he said he needed a whole day with me because I was so tight. This week I’ve seen my soft tissue therapist, my physotherapist and chiropracter, who’ve all ripped me to bits, and I’m starting to get back to normal.

When I think about the challenge though, I shouldn’t be so surprised that my body took such a hammering. Throwing is a power event, with each throw you’re trying to expend as much energy as possible as quickly as possible, and I did that constantly for 40 minutes. Endurance is all about economy of movement and conserving energy, but throwing is the opposite – essentially what I did was like running a mile in short 30 metre sprints, which is  just stupid!

It was good to do it though as I had no idea what it would be like. I’m glad I did it in February so I have plenty of time to recover before the season starts. I’ve raised over £1,000 for Sport Relief and there’s still a lot more to come in, I’ll post the final figure when we have it all together.

I’m continuing my recovery in Portugal in about a weeks time, starting the build up to my first competition on the 17th April. I’m hoping for hot weather, hot women and cold beer! Hehehe